In Recognition of the Highest Achievements in Manufactured Housing

A longtime promoter of the RV industry, Searer served more than 20 years on the RVIA Public Relations Committee, as President of the RV Aftermarket Association, member of the Go RVing Coalition and board member of the RV/MH Hall of Fame. He took over leadership of the hall at a time when the industry was down and the nonprofit was in deep debt. Through his vision and leadership during the past 10 years the Hall has paid off its debt, expanded operations, including a new 21000 square-foot MH Museum and is in the final stages of a fundraising campaign for a new 36,000 square-foot convention center.
What do you view as the biggest accomplishment of your career?
It started almost 60 years ago when I married the right person! She has been a friend and supporter throughout our entire marriage. In addition to that, I am most proud of providing leadership at the Hall of Fame and seeing the MH & RV industries step up and support the vision of the future that we established in 2016. The Hall would not be the “shining star” of both MH & RV without the support of the board of directors, staff, and all segments of both industries. It has been very rewarding to give back, as a volunteer, to the industries that have been good to me and my family over the years.
What work or life skill do you give the most credit for your achievements?
I grew up in a family without much money so I had to buy used items, like bicycles, and then fix them and make them like new. I was the first of my family to attend college at IU South Bend and took business courses. I then become involved with a company out of Texas called Success Motivation for another two years. The skills I learned there are the ones I have used the most in my life, in all six important areas of life.
MHInsider is a publication of MHVillage and is the premier source of manufactured housing news with a national audience of manufactured housing professionals dedicated to producing and delivering high-quality, affordable, off-site built housing.