California Lawmakers Vote to Assist Property Owners During Continued Eviction Moratorium

Lawmakers at the California State Capitol overwhelmingly approved of California Senate Bill 91.

If signed and enacted, the recently approved California Senate Bill 91 will route to property owners a planned $2.6 billion in funding to cover missed rent and utility payment in the state during the elongated eviction moratorium related to coronavirus safety measures and business disruptions.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on the same day signed the bill, which won wide support in Sacramento from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

“We continue to have concerns about how repayment to property owners will be administered, but the passage of SB 91 enacts a reasonable stop-gap to protect both tenants and property owners affected by the COVID-19 crisis,” Western Manufactured Housing Industry Association Executive Director Sheila Dey said is a prepared statement. “We look forward to working with the Legislature and the Administration to ensure manufactured housing communities remain a viable option for hundreds of thousands of California families.”

California Senate Bill 91

The Tenancy: Federal Rental Assistance Bill passed 72-1 on the state assembly floor Jan. 28, 2021.

“We are extending the eviction moratorium to June 30 and distributing the federal stimulus funds quickly and equitably across the state,” Senate President Pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins, D-San Diego. “We are also providing additional safeguards to protect Californians from landlords and creditors acting in bad faith. This agreement, which is the strongest in the nation, works within the framework required by federal law regarding eligibility, prioritizing rent payments past due, and providing a timeframe in which the funds must be used.

“Today’s actions to protect tenants and small landlords does not mean our work is over,” she said. “We are actively pursuing early budget actions that will address the most pressing needs caused by the pandemic, and the decisions we make are being viewed through the lens of how they can make life better for those among us struggling the most.”

Read more news about eviction moratorium issued at the federal level by the Center for Disease Control and the Federal Housing Administration.