4 Protective Measures to Keep Residents Safe from Coronavirus

help keep residents safe from coronavirus

Information regarding the COVID-19 situation changes daily. For the latest health news, visit CDC.gov. For breaking manufactured housing news, visit the manufactured housing state-by-state updates page.

Even in the best of times, the level of responsibility on manufactured home community operators is a grand task. However, the global outbreak of coronavirus/COVID-19 adds to the equation considerably.

Help ensure the safety of residents with the following protective measures.

1. Communicate

Communication is critical during crises. Whether through email bulletins, park signage, or other means, keeping park residents up to date with can help ease uncertainty and fear.

Current guidelines, for example, recommend no gatherings of more than 10 people and that everyone maintains a distance of at least three feet. (Such guidelines may vary state-to-state; make sure you’re aware of your state’s recommendation.) Signs posted in or around clubhouses, pools, and play areas can help remind people of this recommendation.

2. Clean Common Areas

To the best of your abilities, ensure clean surfaces in all common areas. The following list covers disinfectants that are effective in killing the coronavirus: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)—Fighting Products

The Centers for Disease Control Control (CDC) shares guidelines about how to use such disinfectants to combat COVID-19: Clean & Disinfect

3. Leverage Available Resources

Help keep residents safe from coronavirusAn increasing number of sites provide signs that encourage good hygiene and other safety practices.

  • This site offers downloadable elements for digital signs that work just as effectively when printed.
  • You may consider printing or otherwise distributing the informative document, “The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America 15 Days to Slow the Spread.” It is available as a download here.
  • If you need to communicate with park employees, here is a sample letter you can use to address the virus and related issues.

4. Look Out for Seniors and Others

COVID-19 does not discriminate between potential victims. However, experts consider anyone over the age of 60 as well as those with certain pre-existing conditions especially vulnerable.

In many communities, residents looking out for one another is a way of life. However, there may be some residents without friends, family members, or neighbors available to check on them. If you’re aware of any such residents, outreach as simple as a phone call can make a tremendous difference.

If possible, adding any essential items they need to your work-related shopping list will help them. Residents should shelter in place and away from settings where they can more easily become infected.

MHInsider Updates

MHInsider will continue monitoring industry developments concerning the COVID-19 situation, related event cancellations and postponements, and more. We’re here for all of your manufactured housing news, including an overview of governmental guidance on how to open community swimming pools in a way that is safe from the spread of coronavirus.