Ken Corbin Speaks to Full Room at Tunica Show

seminar why people buy homes
Industry sales consultant Ken Corbin talks to attendees about why people buy homes.

Tunica Manufactured Housing Show Attendees Pack the Hall for Morning Seminars

Ken Corbin, an industry veteran who specializes in business management and sales, told an audience of about 300 attendees at the 2018 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show to prepare themselves for an industry boom.

The industry professional’s goal was to communicate to the audience why people buy homes, and how to sell them.

“The next 10 years, the boom is coming,” Corbin said during his talk at the Hollywood Resorts & Casino.

Corbin sites research that shows retirees downsizing and millennials on the verge of starting families will be primary drivers for an industry poised to ease the pain of a housing crisis.

“We’re going to have 27 million new people in the U.S.,”  Corbin said, referring to domestic birth and death rates that will lead to population growth. “It an unbelievable opportunity we have.”

Corbin addressed community owners, service providers, home builders, and retailers in his comments, asking that manufactured housing professionals take their time with customers, sell on emotion and provide quality follow-up.

“Your customers want comfort, they want value and they want to know about the benefits of owning your home,” he said.

Information provided by a study from Marshall University and Cal State Fullerton, he said, points to why people buy homes. In order of importance, respondents indicated they valued:

why people buy homesWhy People Buy Homes

  1. Initial impression/curb appeal
  2. Exterior display/home siting
  3. A thorough home tour/Customer service
  4. Explanation of home features
  5. Being given time
  6. Witnessing family members being engaged
  7. Being brought to understand finance options

Calling people by the first name and creating an inviting and friendly atmosphere for shopping and learning is a must, he said. If you sell homes, organized and information-filled open houses or virtual open houses, now, are important parts of the sales process.

“This is a very easy business,” Corbin said. “It’s a people business. You’re going to work with families, take your time and show the customer what they want.”