Why Should I Link to MHVillage?

link to mhvillage why

Does your company have its own website? If you’re not linking that website from MHVillage, you’re missing a great marketing opportunity – and a powerful tool for your own website.

Here’s what makes a link so powerful.

We are talking about sending a stream of people who are currently planning on buying a manufactured home directly to your site. Not only that, but adding a link will help buyers using Google and other search engines to find your site.

This is a very important piece of advertising!

Here are a few things to know:

Information sources home buyers use in the home search

  • Internet: 57%
  • Real estate agent: 17%
  • Lender: 6%
  • Friend or Relative: 6%
  • Drove by: 6%

From the National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers

Home Listings

Every home you sell can have a link to your website. Our Premium level ($9.95 per home/per month) has a field to add that link. A Premium listing also comes with a number of additional features like unlimited photos and the ability to link to a virtual tour. Use this function, and get four times the views compared with a Basic listings.

Seller Tip: Instead of just adding a link to your homepage, consider linking to a page within your site that motivates a seller to action. Consider a pre-application page or a page to set up an appointment to view your homes or community. Or take an idea from the Real Estate world and encourage buyers to sign up for a regularly emailed list of your new homes.


Put a link on your Showcased community. Showcase communities are $34.95 a month. Like Premium listings, the Showcase feature comes with many added benefits – unlimited home photos, better search placement, and more fields for information. However, there is one other big advantage to a link on your Community page: it is “permanent”. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t change it – like everything on MHVillage, you can upgrade or downgrade at will and edit your link address at any time.

This biggest reasons to put your link on MHVillage is something we haven’t even talked about yet: SEO.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a websiteWhat is SEO? or page in a search engine’s organic search results. In general, the higher the rank on the search results, the more visitors and potential buyers will see what you offer.

There is a lot to SEO, more than we have time for in this article, but one of the techniques for improving where your site appears is having links from other relevant pages to yours.

If you want, think of pages like balloons. The more balloons you link together, the higher they can go. However, you don’t always need a lot of little balloons – sometimes all you need is one big one. That’s where MHVillage comes in. Our site gets more than 60,000 visitors on average each day.

Sales Center

Not too long ago I wrote an article, on how to write a great caption line, one that will motivate buyers to take action!