Revolutionize MH Marketing

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With Tips from ‘How to Win with Internet Marketing for Manufactured Housing’

Are you keeping up in the digital marketing race for manufactured housing? In a digital age that waits for no one, the manufactured housing industry often finds itself lagging behind other segments and playing catch-up. This lag can be the thin line between getting a future homeowner on board or not getting one at all. In his book, “How to Win with Internet Marketing for Manufactured Housing,” Brandon Meek, an industry professional since 2007, reveals new approaches to putting a community on the digital map and converting leads into buyers.

Winning Strategy for Online Success

Meek’s book emphasizes that it is crucial to coordinate different online tools and platforms to achieve desired marketing results. Online marketing is a complex process that needs:

  • Chat widgets for a convenient conversation
  • Visible and easily accessed contact information
  • Featured reviews and feedback
  • Clear, detailed photographs and videos
  • Fast loading
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • A clear, strong call to action

These features make a site easy to use so that it can be most effective in turning visitors into customers.

What is the Future of Digital Marketing in MH?

The author expects some big shifts in the industry marketing of manufactured homes. The marketing is becoming sharper and better organized. Ноwever, even though there’s a lot of chatter about AI in marketing, he reassures us it is actually here to assist us and nоt to take over the job of marketers. Моreover, he firmly believes that AI саn speed things up and bring new ideas.

Still, text messages remain the best way to communicate in a snap, while emails can create better connections with potential buyers. Quick conversations through chat widgets or social media plus fast responses are also critical. Having a robust online presence is more important than ever as people look for homes across various digital platforms.

How Can You Jumpstart Your Digital Marketing?

Create your home listings on main industry directories and sites, like MHVillage, that are visited by potential buyers who are already aware of the benefits of manufactured housing. Video marketing is another strategy that Meek recommends to increase exposure and generate leads. For instance, record simple videos with a cell phone and use them to present available homes on social media platforms, especially YouTube. Remember to optimize them for local search results and make them a part of any marketing campaigns that have already been launched.

Ready to Transform Your MH Marketing?

Meek’s bооk encourages community operators and managers to improve their marketing tactics. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting from scratch or want to enhance what you already have. The potential of digital marketing is incredible. To take your marketing efforts to new heights and make a real impact, don’t miss the practical strategies from “How to Win with Internet Marketing for Manufactured Housing,” available for purchase on Amazon.