MHInsider Leadership Award Winner Sam Landy

sam landy mhinsider leadership award winner 2021
2021 mhinsider industry awards advocacy influencer leadership legacy visionary
MHInsider is a product of MHVillage, the leading marketplace for manufactured housing.

Sam Landy, President of UMH Properties

The MHInsider Leadership Award Winner

Sam Landy, the winner of the MHInsider Leadership Award, works at the highest levels of the manufactured housing industry, from litigating on disparate impact against communities and residents, to establishing more generous financing terms for community owners who rent affordable housing, to expanding affordable living and homeownership from their home base in New Jersey down the Atlantic states, and now expanding nationwide. UMH operates 127 communities in 10 states.

What do you view as the biggest achievement in your career?

Obtaining Fannie Mae financing for communities with 60% rental homes. This dramatically increases the affordability of our rental homes and financed home sales. Second is listing UMH on the New York Stock Exchange.

What work or life skill do you give the most credit for your achievements?

Perseverance. We persevered through many business cycles but never giving up and knowing we can profitably and fairly provide quality affordable housing kept us going through some long downturns.

MHInsider is a publication of MHVillage and is the premier source of manufactured housing news with a national audience of manufactured housing professionals dedicated to producing and delivering high quality, affordable, off-site built housing.