MHVillage Home Listing App


If you are a professional in the Manufactured Housing industry, MHVillage has created a special home listing app just for you.

Find the new MHVillage Home Listing App in the App Store or on Google Play today!

A number of members expressed a need for an easier way to list homes while in the field. They wanted to be able to enter the listing information while walking through the home, easily upload photos from any phone, and be able to add and remove listings from the road! In response, we created the MHVillage listing app.

This free app will let you manage your home inventory right from your phone. You can easily create new listings, edit existing listings and remove homes that have sold.

Over Half of MHVillage Traffic is on Mobile

Over 50% of the people shopping for homes on MHVillage are doing so through their phones. We are constantly working on our mobile interface to make it easier for those shoppers to contact you. We currently have a programming team working on making that process simple and effective.

We also wanted to give you, the MHVillage Professional, powerful tools that you can use on your phone. To check out our app, either head over to iTunes or Google Play to download. We would love to hear your comments and suggestions as we further develop these tools, so please, let us know what you think!