MHVillage Year in Review

MHVillage logo abb.

logo MHVillage year in reviewAs we round out the end of 2017 and move into the New Year, we thought we would share some interesting statistics about MHVillage. Let’s take a look at the MHVillage year in review covering who uses the site, how they shop, and of course, how many leads we generate.

Who Uses MHVillage?

Let’s take a look at some demographics about users:

  • 53.8% of people are over the age of 44
  • 16.2% are between the ages of 35-44
  • 18.1% are between the ages of 25-34
  • 11.9% are between the ages of 18-24

It’s unsurprising that home shoppers are on the higher side of the age brackets. But here is something that may surprise you. Our MHVillage year in review shows that these folks are shopping on their tablets, desktop computers and phones. And more are on their phones than ever!

  • 12% of people shop the site with a tablet
  • 33% come to the site on a traditional desktop computer
  • A whopping 55% of people use their cell phones when shopping MHVillage

(Because better than 50 percent of users are shopping for homes with smartphones, I wrote an article this month on Mobile Devices and Trends for 2018.)

Naturally, Florida is a popular state for mobile home sales. There are 2,744 manufactured home communities in Florida that are featured on MHVillage, and presently there are 7,293 homes for sale in that state on our site. Other warm-weather states that are popular? California with 3,297 manufactured home communities and 1,984 home listings. Arizona boasts 937 communities and 1,943 home listings. And you can’t forget the Lone Star state. There are 2,517 Texas communities on MHVillage and 1,451 home listings!

How Many People Use MHVillage?

In the last year, the network of sites generated more than 25 million visitors annually. That is more than the population of Florida! In fact, if visits were population, MHVillage would be the third largest state – just behind California and Texas.

Those visits resulted in 148 million page views. If those pages were in books, it would take more than 422,857 books to hold them all – requiring more than 13 miles of bookshelves. That is one big library!

Leads, Leads and More Leads

MHVillage year in review logo abbrevManufactured home communities on MHVillage were viewed 18,676,041 times in the last year. These are folks looking for homes and becoming potential residents. We also generated 39,960,282 views on new and pre-owned home listings. This, of course, meant business for you.

MHVillage sent 5,126,578 emails last year. Of that, 803,241 were leads to home sellers and community managers (That’s more than the population of Norway!) But of course, not all leads are emails. MHVillage also sent sellers 284,208 phone leads. Users also print listings and download brochures, resulting in 44,685 print events. Many homebuyers print these off when they are getting ready to drive out and see a home!

MHVillage Year in Review – What’s Next?

As you might guess, we are not sitting back idly. We’ll be releasing a number of new features and tools in 2018 to help you grow your business. We can’t wait to share the new features with you, so check back soon!



Note: this article was written prior to December 31, 2017. A few stats were adjusted on 1/4/2018 to reflect better data.