New Manufactured Home Shipments Up 3.6% for December

new manufactured home shipments
The kitchen in a Clayton model home.

MHI Reports Annual Home Shipments up 14.4%

In December 2017, new manufactured home shipments increased 3.6% to 7,269 homes as compared to the 7,019 homes shipped in December 2016. Total shipments for December 2017 are lower by 1,319 when compared to November 2017.

The trend is mixed compared with shipments of December 2016. Single-section homes were down by 0.4% and multi-section homes up by 9.1%. Total floors shipped in December 2017 increased 5.1% to 10,500 compared to December 2016.

15.5% homes shipped in December were FEMA units

MHI reports that 1,129 homes of the 7,269 shipped in December were for FEMA units. Three states received FEMA units in December: Alabama with 372, Maryland with 88 and Texas with 769.

Annual New Manufactured Home Shipments

For all twelve months of 2017, monthly shipments are higher when compared to the previous year.

Shipments from January through December this year total 92,891 homes compared with 81,169 homes in 2016, a 14.4% net increase.

In addition, the seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of shipments was 102,117 in December 2017, down 5.0% from the adjusted rate of 107,476 in November 2017. The SAAR corrects for normal seasonal variations and projects annual shipments based on the current monthly total.

In December 2017, 131 plants representing 36 corporations reported production data, which is one more of each than November 2017.

MHInsider reports monthly and annual home shipment reports in collaboration with the Manufactured Housing Institute. Read more news from MHI, become a member, or enter member log-in information for the institute’s full Manufactured Housing Activity Industry Production Shipments and Trends report.

New Manufactured Home Shipments