Advertising Inside the Box?


As you know, MHVillage has quite a few different advertising options for homes, communities and companies on our site. In addition to our listing types, we also have Pay-Per-Click Ads that allow you to set your price per click and your daily limit.

What kind of professionals typically advertise with Pay-Per-Click Ads?

Often we work with professional home sellers who have inventory in a smaller town. Since our website is a location-based search engine, homes outside a metro area might not show in certain search results. PPC ads are a great way to direct the customers viewing homes in that big city over to your website!

Another good use for Pay-Per-Click advertising is to reach homeowners in need of services. With anything from insurance to home maintenance, these advertisements are a great way to be sure your target market gets more information about your company.

How do I create an ad?

Creating an ad is super simple! From our menu bar across the top of our page you can choose the “Professionals” tab, then select the “Pay-Per-Click Ads” option.

This will bring you to a step-by-step tutorial on the process of making your ad.

How will my ad look?

Your ad will appear within a red border and will show to the right and left of the general search results. You can update and edit your text and the website link at any time! There is a character limit of 100 for the body of the ad, which excludes the ad title and web link.

Where will my ad display?

When you create your ad, you will get to choose the counties where you want it to show.  Customers typically come to the site to search for homes in specific cities, counties and zip codes. So, they are presented with a list of all the homes available in their targeted search area. If their target area is in a county you have chosen, your ad appears to the right or left of the results. Your ad never appears on search pages for counties in which you are not interested.

What does it cost?

The cost is completely up to you. First, you decide how much you will pay per click (minimum 30¢). Then you decide the maximum amount of money you will pay per day. When your daily maximum is reached, your ad is no longer displayed that day.

How do I pay for my ad?

Just like our monthly professional accounts, you only pay for a service that has already been used. So, if you already have a monthly account, the cost of this product will be added to your already established billing cycle. If you do not have an account with us yet, then you will be asked to set up billing information, which includes credit card information, and then you will see your first charge 30 days from the day you create and activate the ad.

Do these ads really work?

Pay-per-Click ads are very effective because you only pay for results. You are charged only if someone clicks on your ad and goes to your website. Plus, you can precisely target your market area and provide a direct link to your website!

What if I have more questions?

Contact us, we are ready to help!