Showcasing Your Community On MHVillage

How to go about showcasing your community on MHVillage
hand giving a mini house from laptop

Showcasing Your Community - Community Are you getting the most out of your Community ad?

MHVillage offers advertisement for Communities free of charge. This is the “Basic Community” option that allows you to get a listing that includes two photos of the community. However, if you are interested in additional photos, features and contact options for your ad, try Showcasing your community on MHVillage.

Here are the benefits of Showcasing your community on MHVillage:

Showcasing Your Community In ResultsBolder Appearance

The Showcase upgrade will give your community ad a bigger and bolder appearance and will place it on the first page within our search results. On this page there will also be a space for an eye-catching sales caption.

Unlimited Photos

Photos are an incredibly useful advertising tool especially when it comes to shoppers looking for their next home. We found, statistically, the listings on MHVillage with 30 or more photos are the highest clicked ads. The Showcase upgrade allows you to upload an unlimited number of photos, each with a spot for a photo caption.Showcasing Your Community - Photos

Showcasing Your Community - Description

Details, Features & Description 

This Showcase includes a space for your features and a full description without a word limit. This a great spot for you to be able to walk your customers through all of the benefits your community has to offer, all in your own words.

 Showcasing Your Community - Logo
Company Logo & Website

The Showcase upgrade includes a space above the listing to upload your community logo. This space is 690 x 125 pixels displaying at the top of the community page. Additionally, Showcased communities have a spot for a link to your website should you want to direct your customers to a space with additional company information.

Showcasing Your Community - Vacant Sites
Vacant Sites
When home buyers search for vacant sites on MHVillage, we show them the communities in their area that have included a vacant site count. With the Showcase feature you can not only highlight your vacant sites via selecting the option you also can describe the sites available within the above-mentioned description.


Showcasing Your Community - Contact OptionsAdditional Contact Options

The Basic community will include a space for your email contact, while the Showcase community allows multiple email addresses, and multiple phone numbers.

What does Showcasing a community cost?

The Showcase upgrade is currently $34.95 per month. This upgrade can be applied and removed at any time. We have found the flexibility of this feature to be great for multiple types of communities.

If you have any additional questions, please contact out friendly customer service!