Staging A Home To Sell!

Staging Your Home To Sell

Are you staging your home inventory to sell?

We all know that first impressions can make or break a relationship. When staging a home to sell,  you want to be sure you are giving your buyers the best first impression you can!

What does “Staging A Home” mean?

Staging a home is more than cleaning and organizing personal belongings. It’s also different than “decorating” a home.

When you decorate a home you are showing the buyer your sense of style and personality.


When staging a home to sell you are arranging furniture, picking paint colors and changing decor to better show off the home and all of its benefits. 

Here are a few tips on staging a home to sell in the most beneficial way for the buyer:

Staging A Home To Sell

Clean it up and clean it out!

Be it interior or exterior, the ideal outcome is a “move-in ready” level of clean. This means organized cupboards, cobweb-free corners and an”eat off the floor” level of clean. We all know the need of de-cluttering available homes, but when it comes to selling homes you really want to be sure to have as many clean surfaces as possible. This allows the buyer to see the potential for their decor. Of course, ensuring the home is clean is an important tip, but often times when you’re getting ready for an open house or preparing for a showing, it’s worth hiring a cleaning service to come in and help out with the dirty work.

A fresh coat of paint goes a long way!

Not only does a fresh coat of paint give everything a new look, it also forces you to move the furniture in the process. Picking the right color also can be a tricky step depending on what your ideal impression of the home is.

“Home sellers are often advised to slap on a fresh coat of paint before listing their properties, but they shouldn’t overlook the impact of color.” – CBS News

“7 Paint Colors That Can Boost The Value Of Your Home”

The above article is super helpful in this area, since not only will a coat of paint freshen up the home in cleanliness it might also have an emotional impact connecting with the buyer!

Staging Your Home To Sell

Furniture and layout- Less is more!

While you might feel obligated to use all of the furniture in the home, you want to be sure to allow the home buyer to see their furniture in the space. You would be surprised how different a room can look and feel with just a few less pieces than what may normally be there. It’s important to allow the buyer some physical space to envision themselves in the home.

As for layout, simply placing all of the furniture up against the walls can make the room feel “boxed in”. However, you don’t want to have all of the pieces in the center obstructing the flow of the space either. There are a number of tips online that reference the best layout options for different rooms in a home.

“Square footage is important to homebuyers, so when you’re selling a house it’s important to maximize the space to appear bigger and highlight each room’s dual functionality to enhance buyer appeal.” –Tori Toth, Contributor w/ US News

A Fool-Proof Plan For Setting Up Furniture When Selling Your Home”

Hopefully these steps will help you in this often overlooked yet crucial part of selling your homes!

P.S. Once you are ready to advertise your home, MHVillage offers several listing options for professionals! If you have any questions about how you can advertise with MHVillage, contact us!