Your Sales Center Page on


Your Sales Center page on MHVillage is a place to include all relevant information about your company. This page offers details such as location, hours, contact options, and an “About Us” section.

Customers will see this page first when they search for Retailers/Dealers on our site.

With the array of professional specializations in our industry, MHVillage offers features and benefits across the board. Our services are set in such a way that you can pick and choose, mix and match, and create a truly customized advertising platform – sure to generate the best results possible.

The questions is, are you getting the most out of your professional account with us?

Our top priority is ensuring you understand the wealth of options you have at your fingertips. We’ve found that professionals who know all of the features, and apply them as needed, get the best results. Nicholas M. makes a great example;

Blue Island, IL
Thank you so much, when I posted my ad on this website I got an offer an hour later and sold it the next day! I work amongst investors and I will use this site for advertisement again in the future.
 – Nicholas M., January 2016

Let’s Get Back to Your Sales Center Page!

It is incredibly important to keep your Sales Center page updated. In effect, this page represents your company brand, and tells potential customers about the value of your organization. For customers looking to make a purchase, your entire inventory is in one convenient spot. Your first impression may be your last, so make it a good one!

If you haven’t tried our Pro+ upgrade yet, give it a try. Customers enjoy incredibly high traffic year round, but especially so in the first couple months. This upgrade does not lock you in: you can apply and remove this enhancement at any time.

With the Pro+ upgrade your Sales Center page gains a spot for your own company website, a banner logo and a square logo with a bolder and higher appearance in Retailer/Dealer searches.

All you need to do to update or upgrade your Sales Center Page is log in to your account, and select the “Edit Sales Center” option. From there immediately edit any necessary fields. You can even upgrade to the Pro+ on this page by adding your logos, and/or website!

Stats: MonthlyPro+ accounts receive on average 4 times more page views than MonthlyPro accounts since they show higher in the search results and have bolder appearances than their counterparts. Customers also enjoy the option to visit your website and with the upgrade you get to include a link, which we track in your statistics.

As always, if you would like one of our account reps to walk you through your account and ensure you are getting the most out of your MHVillage options, please email or call us! We are happy to help!