What is a Community Data Report?

MHVIllage Community Data Report

What is the MHVillage Community Data Report?


A Community Data Report from MHVillage can be valuable to many different kinds of professionals. Whether you provide a service, or are looking to acquire communities, knowing the current details is key.

What sort of information comes with a community data report?


The base Community Data Report includes community names and addresses within the state selected. Beyond those details, you can customize additional information that makes sense for your business and purpose.


How do I receive the report?

Once you select the state and the details you need in your Community Data Report we send a downloadable CSV file containing the requested information.

(We also offer a sample report so you can be sure the formatting is as expected, ahead of time)

How did you gather the community information?

We work with the MHICAS system and MHVillage to gather information about communities.

Community Data ReportWe update our information regularly, in most cases during the last year. All data collected and reported has been in place for no more than three years. Additionally, our reports are sold “as is”. This is because we provide the reports electronically and for download. Therefore, returns are unavailable.


If you have any additional questions or if you would like to know the options available for custom reports, please contact us today!