MHVillage Community Data Report

community data reports

MHVillage offers a Community Data Report by State!

U.S. Map Community Data ReportThe Community Data Report has information from MHVillage, with a database of more than 36,000 communities nationwide, and the Manufactured Housing Institute’s Community Attributes System (MHICAS).

This report includes locations, rents and year-built; all in a downloadable spreadsheet.

Checklist Community Data ReportAdditionally, the Community Data Report lets you add customized information. Choose to include everything from phone numbers, site counts, and vacant sites to age or pet restrictions.

As a result, prices vary based on which details you want to include. The cost of reports will also vary from state-to-state.

What Benefits Come from a Community Data Report?

We have found there is a range of professionals regularly ordering community data reports in an effort to maintain awareness and update their information about communities in our industries.

This information is useful for investors, companies looking to purchase communities or companies that offer services to communities. If you manage your own community, this product offers you a look at your local market, which can provide valuable insight when it comes to effectively managing and marketing in our industry.

If you are looking for reports that are more detailed and/or customized we recommend contacting Datacomp Appraisal’s JLT Market Reports.

We also offer a sample report right on our webpage for you to view/download, ensuring the information is presented in a clean and efficient format for your internal use.

If you have any additional questions or need more information, give us a call or email at today. We have staff members on hand that are ready to help!