How to Prepare for Open House Season!

MH Industry Terms open house season

Are You Ready for Open House Season?

As spring turns to summer we are in the prime of Open House season. We have several articles covering different aspects of an open house that truly make a difference but here will put together a crash course on how you can gain the most exposure and successful open house possible!

Open House

Prep The Home

For an open house, not only do you want to be sure the home is clean and clutter free, a fresh coat of paint goes a long way too!

It’s also important to be sure the home is staged in a way that is inviting and shows off the home in it’s best light (Pro Tip: Here is a great article on Staging Your Home to Sell)

Don’t Forget The Yard

We all know it’s all about curb appeal. That first impression can make or a break a sale easily. Be sure the home’s exterior matches it’s interior with clean and fresh lines. Adding some coloring flowers can also spruce things up quite a bit!


Offering your guests some easy to eat snacks is never a bad idea. The fresh baked cookies trick is a good one. But if you want to step it up, bring in some catered veggie platters or sandwich trays. Also, offering bottled water is also a great idea since most of the time your guests are probably seeing more than one home that day, so a snack and some water will be appreciated!


Set the tone of the Open House with low volume music. This will give the space an energy and pulse and it also allows for the guests to roam the space on their own without feeling like their conversation is being overheard. Note: Try to stick to music choices that are accessible and up-beat. Jazz, Standards or 60’s Pop are typically your safest bet!

Your Home is Ready for Open House Season, Are You?

It’s super important to be sure you have all of the necessary paperwork and information printed and available at the open house. The more information you can provide a perspective buyer the better. The best option would be to print off any necessary information and assemble some packets that you can easily hand them to take home and review. Be sure to also include a printed flyer with the home’s information and photo too!

Advertise Your Open House on MHVillage

Not only will you want to advertise your open house on your own social media outlets and local activity spots, if you are listed on MHVillage we also offer a product to gain your open house some exposure.

The MHVillage Open House feature will give your home a bright red banner across the top of the ad with the Open House details.

Open House Season

It will also shoot your listing to the very top of the first page of homes in a general search. We recommend applying an Open House banner to your listing at least 7 days prior to the event.Open House Season

To apply this feature simply select the “Add Open House” option to the right of your listing within your account.

Hopefully this article will give your the details you needed to elevate your open house game to a new level!

If you have any additional questions on how you advertise your open house on MHVillage please feel free to contact us at any time!