I’ve been asking colleagues recently at manufactured industry shows and meetings to share with me the no-holds-barred concept they feel could reshape the manufactured housing industry.
My caveats, to be clear, are that budget is not a concern, there are no approvals required, the regulatory environment will be dealt with, and hiring is the least of your worries. What’s the big idea?
The answers, of course, ran far and wide.
As I cross paths with people in the weeks and months, I will continue to add to this vault of brave notions. At some future point, MHInsider will share a good lot of them.
The concept came up during the planning and production of the State of the Industry edition of MHInsider. It looks to capture the grand themes in the industry. Rather than curating that magazine in business categories, we tackle the industry challenges and opportunities at a higher level. It’s a way to raise our considerations from the daily tactical to the long-term strategic.
We, at MHInsider, want to hear from our audience and introduce you and your ideas to the marketplace.
“What’s the Big Idea” has become my very simple big idea to help carry this bold view of how the industry might evolve through the year rather than having it designated to any two-month period. Yes, the tactical day-to-day aspects of our lives must be addressed, but not at the expense of that ringing inclination that you may have just landed on the next big idea.
So happy inventing, manufactured housing professionals, and look me up or flag me down if you want to share your big idea!